These paintings (in colour pencils) respresent the spiritual birth of a new family.
Two souls – of a man and of a woman. Two precious trees of life. They approached each other, they came close, but didn't cognize, didn't get to know, didn't perceive each other's personality. Each of them is being filled with its own immense light, with its unique beauty and immense depth. But they are still far from being one. One whole… 2. Branches of two souls are getting intertwined, the spiritual luminous beams of their personalities are getting united, penetrating the very core of their inner selves of each other. Because the aim of their combination is to search for each others' purpose, to discover it, to encourage it and implement it in life. So taht they can be united, can become can be united, can become 'one', can become a 'real family'.. And what is the purpose of family on this Earth? Around the branches of both trees the golden aureole (glamour) is seen – this is the light of the future new life, their future child. He can hardly be noticed at this point, still point in this light – the deeper meaning and the very continuation of their meeting on this Earth.
3. When two souls merge into one, a new magnificent tree is being born.
4. A baby - a new person is being born. The tiny fragile 'sun' being lit in the family's nest, weaved by caring branches of these two souls.
5. Like a new tree of life, a small person is growing up. This tree will be so warm and so beautiful if his mother and father would ignite a light of their love and care around him.
6. A small person grown up into an adult.. and as a sunny tree stood up by the parents. And they, by that time, aged, lost their previous magnificent outer appearance but grew wiser and closer to the Heavenly Ultimate). Mother's tree had been left with but a very few leaves. All the rest had been born in a selflessness mother's love. And flame of this great fire filled the branches and roots of this tree. This light lit around him a bright circle of Divine Love.
7. Parents' souls are loosing their leaves and branches… They fulfilled their worldly purpose in this planet earth, and their souls flew into another world. The storm of Divine Light picks them up and takes them far – towards the Sky. But there, on Earth, the new tree of life left. And this beautiful tree brightened (lightened) by the power of their unity and love. On parting, it embraces them with its branches. And at that very last moment, when they are being called by light from Heavens, they are being supported by the light of this soul lit by them.
8. This golden tree of life similar to the sun, lid everything around him. And even though the souls of his parents already departed (flew away), they do remember him and pray for him… from far. The crown of a tree is filled with mother's and father's roots. They gave him life and with their warmness kindled in him the light of Divine Love. And one kindled soul can lit the whole continent! |
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