Moldava girls
Moldav girls and women are taking great care about their appearance, they prefer colourful beautiful clothes (even for everyday), high heels, femanine shoes. No wonder that Moldova woman always looks very attractive as she came out from beauty saloon. All Moldova girls are flowering. White-teeth, beautiful tanned skin, good shapes. And as in most republic of former USSR Modova women are striving to get married by the age of 22. And from tender age they are preparing themselves to become good mothers, one day.
Global feminine movement, eventhough is bringing some correctives in women's upbringing in Moldova but it is happening at a very slow pace. In spite of being in the middle of Central Europe. And even in spite of close geographical location to hot Italy and democratic Germany.
Moldova women are great hosts, they are social, pleasant to be with. Moldova women are hardworking and trying to reach high position in society.
Girls in Moldova are very femanine, beautiful and famliy orientated.
They are good housewives, who love to cook delicious meals. Variety of Moldova kitchen includes Ukraine, Romanian, Bulgarian and, of course, Russian meals, eventhough there are some traditional Moldova meals. Especially testful Moldova soup with chicken, Moldova mamalyga with fried river fish. Mini-sausages. And many other delicates that can cook Moldova woman. Indeed, Moldova wife - dream of every man!
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