Pourquoi les hommes recherchent-ils une épouse ukrainienne ?

Quelle est la particularité d'une fille ukrainienne ?

Récemment, on a remarqué que les hommes européens s'efforçaient de plus en plus de trouver une épouse parmi les femmes ukrainiennes. Pourquoi cela se produit-il et pourquoi les femmes ukrainiennes sont-elles meilleures que les européennes ?

Voyons pourquoi les hommes occidentaux préfèrent les femmes ukrainiennes.

Les femmes ukrainiennes sont un phénomène mondial rare, car les femmes ukrainiennes combinent des caractéristiques incompatibles qui les distinguent des autres femmes dans le monde.

⏩Les femmes ukrainiennes ont également une incroyable capacité à combiner éducation, travail, vie familiale, vie conjugale et maternité. Ce n'est nulle part ailleurs dans le monde.

En Occident, les femmes reçoivent d'abord une éducation, puis font carrière, et ce n'est qu'après 30 ans qu'elles décident de fonder une famille. Oui, et parfois la famille ne signifie pas du tout des enfants. Certaines femmes européennes préfèrent n'avoir de progéniture qu'à l'âge de 40 ans.

⏩Les femmes ukrainiennes peuvent déjà à 22 ans avoir une formation supérieure terminée, un travail sérieux et un enfant d'un an.

Les hommes occidentaux sont surpris par la capacité des femmes ukrainiennes à combiner tous ces domaines de la vie, tout en ayant fière allure.

⏩La femme ukrainienne sait cuisiner et porte cette responsabilité. Dans les pays occidentaux, l'auto-cuisine est considérée comme un signe de pauvreté et il est d'usage de manger dans les restaurants. Néanmoins, tous les hommes aiment la nourriture faite maison, surtout si elle est préparée par la femme qu'ils aiment.

Bien sûr, les hommes européens sont attirés par la combinaison de ces traits chez les filles ukrainiennes qui incarnent tout en un : mère, épouse, cuisinière, femme de ménage, beauté et amante qualifiée.


The best freedom is the freedom of innocent nature, animate and inanimate, flowing fluently like a gleaming meandering stream, or a blissful blowing breeze.

The best intellect is one, which can through willpower, curtail and control anger, simultaneously developing an ever-improving technology to serve humanity.

The best, justice-seeking, moral, humanistic, compassionate persons are they who develop a smooth, systematic symbiosis of the above traits.

Allow MarryMeCity through its many appropriate cascading articles, tips and artworks to lead you on to become an example of marriage again becoming a Sacred Bond.

Marriage is the foundation upon which Islam was built. Without believing in marriage a person cannot be a true Muslim, whether he gets married or not. Marriage is the means whereby the Muslim Ummah grew strong. The preservation is chastity is of primary concern of Islam. A woman who marries maintains her chastity which is cardinal to the preservation of morals in Muslim society. In fact poverty spreads in regions where Zina is the norm. In western terminology there is no differentiation between sex between married and unmarried couples. Islam distinguishes the two and the won is strictly forbidden while the other is not only allowed but encouraged and rewarded. In the west today more than half the children born are out of wedlock. This creates so many social problems in society, not the least of which being the spread of HIV/AIDS. The prophet forewarned us of this in authentic Hadith: When Allah desires to destroy a nation he allows immorality to flourish therein. The prophet has also said that: "at the approach of the final hour/last days there would be the spread of incurable diseases." To date there is no way to reverse the HIV virus. we can merely keep it in check. Also the way HIV is spread in homosexual and immoral communities points to tha fact that it is a curse from the Almighty for the major sin of adultery.Today the Ummah is lax about concept of chastity, in this way we are now following the non-believers which was also predicted by rasullullah. It is time young people take the concept of Nikaah seriously and make sure their relationships with the opposite sex are conducted in a Halaal way. It is better for students who feel the need to be with a partner sexually to marry rather than conduct illicit affairs. The other alternative is to fast. But too often we delay marriage unnecessarily with fatal results. Look at the statistics of Muslim teenage unmarried pregnancies and judge for yourself. Unfortunately parents have to shoulder the bulk of the blame for this because of failure to instil Islamic values during the early stages of development. Also children should be spoken too about marriage in the years of puberty. Parents should make it easy for children to come to them with a request to marry. Unless there is a valid Shari reason such marriage should go ahead. In the time of the prophet girls got married young. Today thirteen year olds are engaged in sexual behaviour with "boyfriends" so why can they not rather get married and life a healthy Islamic life. They can still continue studying and parents should encourage this and help children out until they can be independent.


Almighty tests our resolve. However a good family life has at it's essence 2 people who come together for a common purpose and agree to share their lives together. They should love the same things or agree to find out about those things which interest the partner and vice versa. Marriage is the cornerstone upon which a good family life is based and this is so regardless of culture or religious background. The essence of a good family life is respect for and agreeing to respect the human differences between people of different backgrounds or even of similar backgrounds. You must be able to relate to each other and the essence of romance is sharing and caring and the love should grow rather than diminish throughout he years. There is mutual interdependence an the one does not feel complete without the other. However their should also be respect for ones own individual private space. Trust is part of a true good family life and the ability to forgive slights or other minor indiscretions on behalf of a partner. It is natural to feel possessive over ones loved one/s and even a little jealousy is okay as long as it doesn't overwhelm the relationship. each partner must have a little space which they can call their own. Interests will inevitably be shared and the more the partners spend leisure time enjoying each others company it is a recipe for a good life. And the love and romantic feelings will follow and grow, and like a flower will continue to bloom well into old age.

Matrimonial ideas and tips.

Marriage tip: Tips and Ideas what you can write about • Be truthful • Write in easy to understand language especially to those whose English is not their first language • Write from the heart • List your good qualities • Mention characteristics you are wanting to improve on (for example, “short temper if provoke”) • Don’t hide poor characteristic you are working on to improve • Do not be unreasonable with expectation from your partner because we are all unique individuals • Write about: - family and circle of friends - activities, social, sport, etc. without exaggeration - day-today life in your area and country - your city and national circumstances - places of high interests - seasonable differences and weather patterns - everyday’s things you can do for your partner without struggle - about what you can and you like to do for your partner on special occasions • ask what reciprocating things your partner would like to inform you of within ability. • Talk about outlook in life in social, economical, political and other issues. • Talk about expectation regarding maintaining or starting family.

Marriage in mind? Looking for a Russian bride online? Then read this... ::: What you should know about Russian women ...I am sure that you will be quite surprised to learn that most women of European background on matrimonial sites are Russian, particularly with matrimonial services that are meant to foster marriage and dedicated to those who wish to create a family. While dating sites are loaded with ladies from other countries. Then also, there are hardly any Christian Russian matrimonial websites or Muslim Russian matrimonial websites. You might have been (and still are) wondering why Russian women? The answer is rather simply profound: Russian ladies are naturally very family orientated and much more homely than most of other ladies from the USA and Europe. And Russian women generally put family above career or anything else. Maybe with time and the rapidly spreading ideas of equality and growing feminism, this phenomena will slowly diminish and perhaps even disappear, – but the phenomena of beautiful intelligent women whose priorities are still a husband and children and not a socialite life and career predominates. But for now men from all over the world can consider themselves really lucky that such women still exist. And that in one woman one can find all one can ever dream of: loyalty, beauty, femininity, intelligence, passion, sharp mind, kind, loving heart, faithfulness, understanding, broad vision, excellent shape, numerous talents and skills, romantic nature, willingness to learn, ability to adapt and to sacrifice. The Russian mystical nature blended with a natural instinct given to all women by mother-nature: desire to love and to be loved, to have a family, to make a husband happy and to take good care of children, smart companion, beautiful apple of one's eye, supportive caring friend, loving wife, passionate love and protective mother makes for contentment and a stress-free life. In comparison to some "masculine" ladies, Russian women are never oppressive or abusive, but rather soft-spoken. But at the same time not silly and submissive who cannot stand up for herself when injustice is done. As it is said in one of a world famous poem of the last century: "… There are women in Russian areas…. Beautiful faces, queen's walk, who would dare to stop a running horse, who are not scared to enter a burning house." So basically all such qualities are in Russian blood and taken root since many centuries before. All of these, fortunately for men, are in the Russian make-up and in their upbringing. Did you know that many Russian women are fond of Indian culture and movies? That they are very inclined to spirituality and mysticism?. Even the scripts of ballets such as Swan lake and many other pieces are specially re-written for Russians to make a happy ending. (for Russians the end MUST be a happy one). In short what one can say about Russian women in general: full of beauty, love, care and life. Treasures of pearl, with high consciousness of justice, who for goodness received will reward tenfold. With compliments fromMarryMeCity.com : Russian singles are looking for their better half. Join FREE