In our Marriage Site we control each and every profile and immediately delete and blacklist any suspicious profikle
How to recognize
Scammers - men and women. Unfortuantely this is the reality of today's
life. While a few years ago scammers used to mask under profiles of
young single women with beautiful fake photos of women mostly from
Russia, former USSR and African countries (the real women who are on
the photos never had an idea about this scam ! and behind all of this
internet fraud were 95% young males)...
Men scamming women
Today' there is a new
wave - profiles of men, from any country, including Europe (so they say
in their profile), difficult to say who are behind such profiles,
sometimes a man with someone's else photo. They use photos of young
handsome men and prefer to contact women who are of their age or older,
sending them letters of appreciation and love. Each letter becomes more
and more 'warmer', gradually turning into a marriage proposal and
myriads of promises - promises of love forever and ever, endless care
and happiness in marriage.
The next turn is, as a rule, this scammer-groom will inform that he had
some challenge, accident, robbery, bankrupcy etc etc asking to provide
temporarily a small amount (such as 100-300 euro) to pay telephone
bill, sudden debt, or any other expenses that should be paid
immediately (it can be almost anything - solely depends on fantasy of
groom - scammer. With a vow to return it and to wait for him.
Then usually the scammer will either disappear or will continue to ask
for another 'problem solution' - especially if he feels that heart of
woman is too soft and she trusts him unconditionally. In some cases he
can 'rob' her of a large amount. But usually it is under 1000 euro.
Taking in consideration the fact that according to statistics, that a
scammer using sophisticated methods to get letters to reach their
destination - a scammer can send over 2,000 letters per day.

With compliments
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Scam, spamscammers
- who are scammers? Tips how to avoid fall in a trap of internet
scammer, internet fraud