I am from Kazakhstan city Almaty, speak Russian and other languages, very well educated, marketing manager. Love music, cinema, nature. Pleasant appearance, intelligent, optimist, self- sufficient. Single!
Looking for sport man, intelligent, well educated, with good health, good appearance, strong sense of humor, successfull. Can be with child.
I wish to tell (ask) the following in the initial letter: I am not making namaz (salah) - will you help me? I wish to much to have child, do you agree to support me in this? What are your expectations from marriage from me (from your future wife)
Казахстан, не замужем, высшее образование, маркетолог, люблю музыку, кино, природу. Приятная внешность, интеллигентная, оптимистка, самостоятельная.