نحن فريق فخور المسلمين المخلصين الذين أسسوا وكالة الزوجية المسلمين على الانترنت مع اسم النطاق MarryMeCity.com. وقد بدأ هذا المشروع الزوجية النبيل في أكتوبر 2007، وذلك بدعم من المستشارين الدوليين والجهات الراعية والمترجمين والصحفيين، IT-المطورين، ومصممي الغرافيك والمتطوعين من مختلف البلدان، بما في ذلك الإمارات العربية المتحدة، كندا، جنوب أفريقيا، الهند، مصر، روسيا وكازاخستان.وتجري خدمات التوفيق والدعم الموقع الأساسي في الغالب من قبل أخواتنا المسلمين الذين يعودون من روسيا أصلا (سيبيريا وموسكو)، المتزوجة من أجنبي ويعيشون في الخارج مع أسرهم. وهناك عدد من الصحفيين المستقلين الذين يساعدون أيضا مشروعنا في النمو.
تحتاج مساعدة؟

المؤسس المشارك لMarryMeCity.com يشارك قصتها."أنا أعرف من تجربتي الخاصة كيف أنه من الصعب أن تجد مناسبة زوج بنت في الاتحاد السوفياتي السابق. خاصة بالنسبة لليعودون وبالنسبة لأولئك السيدات المسلمين الذين لا يتقنون اللغة الإنجليزية. لذلك كان حلمي لمساعدة أخواتنا المسلمين على الوفاء هدفهم، لإنجاز نصف الإيمان بها - النكاح، للعثور على شريك الحياة المناسب، وبناء الأسرة المسلمة السعيدة.الحمد لله، تمكنا من الحصول على المساعدة لبدء مع المشروع النبيل. وذلك في أكتوبر 2007 مع دعم نكران الذات أنشأنا على الانترنت كالة الزوجية الدولي، حيث يمكن للمرء الحصول على الدعم باللغة الروسية والإنجليزية ".
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خلال هذه السنوات كان لدينا للتغلب على العديد من التحديات، بما في ذلك القضايا التقنية، وقضايا اللغة. كان علينا أن نتعلم (ومواصلة البحث عن واكتشاف أفضل الطرق الممكنة) طرق مختلفة للحفاظ على بنت الحلال لدينا أصيلة ونظيفة من المحتالين. الحمد لله، وبعض من أعضائنا ساعدنا عدد غير قليل من الوقت من خلال الإبلاغ عن أي شخص منهم يعتبرونه مشبوهة. يمكن للمرء أن يتصور كم من الوقت يتطلب لتشغيل نشط تماما - موقع زواج ليس فقط تفعيل المسجلة حديثا، والتحقق وتحسين الصور واليدوية الموافقة على كل والتعريف الذي تم تحديثه، كل وصورة جديدة. لتصفية كافة التشكيلات المشبوهة، والإجابة على العديد من الأسئلة، واستعادة المستخدم وكلمة السر (وليس الكثير من أعضاء يعرفون كيفية استعادة كلمة المرور تلقائيا). وعلاوة على ذلك، فريق الدعم لدينا حتى تقديم المساعدة النفسية لأولئك الذين يعانون من الاكتئاب، وغيرها، لأولئك الذين جاؤوا إلى موقعنا لأخير محطم القلب. نحن نحاول العثور على الوقت والكلمة الصحيحة لكل والجميع شخص جاد.
For the last 14 years we provide personal matchmaking services and can proudly say that we helped many people, around the globe. Some of them we know personally, for example recently we met two couples who found each other in our site via our personal support and they already have 2 children (each couple has girl and boy). There are many couples with 1 kid. Geography of testimonial success stories is surprising: ladies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbadjan, Ukraine got married to men from Canada, India, Pakistan, USA, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UK, UAE, Nigeria – we name just a few, from the latest success stories. While there are many people who just asked to remove their profiles because they found their life-partner, very thankful to our marriage site but prefer to keep anonymous.
The best way to find life partner is to use VIP matchmaking services. :
We stay in touch via email, viber, skype, telegram, WhatsApp;
We will contact ladies of your choice on your behalf, in Russian language, directly to email (and not just via site as direct email is more effective)
We send your profile as featured and keep you informed about suitable profiles;
We give your valuable recommendations regarding Russian Muslim matrimonial online-related;
We register you in other Muslim Russian Matrimonial sites, to increase the boarders for your search of lady of your dream; on other sites we initiate correspondence on your behalf;
We help with translations.
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Muslim Matchmaking Agency
Muslima online is alternative name for Muslim Marriage agency MarryMeCity. Muslim Matchmaking personalised support online performed by Russian Muslim sisters, online via WhatsApp and Instagram.com/ask.muslima.nikah We are the proud team of dedicated Muslims who established Muslim Matrimonial agency online in 2007 with domain name MarryMeCity.com. Today we have over 50,000 single Muslims from all over the world. This noble Muslim matrimonial project began in October 2007, with support of international advisers, sponsors, translators, journalists, IT-developers, graphic designers and volunteers from different countries, including UAE, Canada, South Africa, India, Egypt, Russia & Kazakhstan.
Moslem Matchmaking services and website support are conducted mostly by our Russian Muslim sisters reverts, from Russia originally (Siberia, Tatarstan & Moscow), married to foreign men and live abroad with their families. There are number of freelances who also help our project to grow.

The co-founder of Muslima Online @ MarryMeCity.com shares her story
“I know from my own experience how it is DIFFICULT to find suitable muslim husband in former USSR. Especially for reverts and for muslim ladies who are not fluent in English. So it was my dream to help our Muslim sisters to fulfil their goal, to accomplish half of their Imaan – Nikaah, to find right life partner and to build happy Muslim family.
All Praise be to Allah, we managed to find assistance to start with noble project. So in October 2007 with selfless support we established international Muslim matrimonial agency online, where one can receive support in Russian and in English.”
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During these years we had to overcome numerous challenges, including technical issues, language issues. We had to learn (and continue to find & discover the best possible methods) different ways to keep our marriage site authentic and clean from scammers. Alhamdulillah, some of our members helped us quite a few time by reporting someone whom they consider to be suspicious. One can’t imagine how much time requires to run fully active marriage site – not just activation of newly registered, checking and optimizing photos, manual approval of each and every profile that been updated, each and new photo. To filter all suspicious profiles, answer to numerous questions, restore login and password (not many members know how to restore password automatically). Moreover, our support team even provide psychological assistance to those who are depressed, heart-broken to those who came to our site as to a last resort. We try to find time and correct word for each and everyone who is serious.

For the last 12 years we provide personal matchmaking services and can proudly say that we helped many people, around the globe. Some of them we know personally, for example recently we met two couples who found each other in our site via our personal support and they already have 2 children (each couple has girl and boy). There are many couples with 1 kid. Geography of testimonial success stories is surprising: ladies from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbadjan, Ukraine got married to men from Canada, India, Pakistan, USA, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UK, UAE, Nigeria – we name just a few, from the latest success stories. While there are many people who just asked to remove their profiles because they found their life-partner, very thankful to our marriage site but prefer to keep anonymous.
The best way to find life partner is to use VIP matchmaking services.
Muslim Matchmaking services:

Muslim Matchmakers stay in touch via email, skype and whatsApp;

We will contact ladies of your choice on your behalf, in Russian language, directly to email (and not just via site as direct email is more effective);

We send your profile as featured and keep you informed about suitable profiles;

We give your valuable recommendations regarding Russian Muslim matrimonial online-related;

We can help you via WhatsApp and Instagram AskMuslimaNikah Muslim Russian Matrimonial sites, to expand the boarders for your search of lady of your dream; on other sites we initiate correspondence on your behalf;

We help with translations.

We help with translations.

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